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Question About RabbitMQ Batch Publishing And Ordering Messages

I have a list of messages need to be sent to rabbitMq. I am using masstransit and i publish messages one by one like this;

foreach (var @event in events)
   await _bus.Publish(@event, ....); 

But with this approach throughput is very low, so i want to try batch publishing somethig like this;

 var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var @event in events)
   var  t = _bus.Publish(@event, ....); 
await Task.WnenAll(tasks);

//and with this configuration;
hostConfigurator.ConfigureBatchPublish(x =>
   x.SizeLimit = 256 * 1024;
   x.Enabled = true;
   x.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4);
   x.MessageLimit = 100;

My question is: With this batch publishing method, will the order of the messages being sent to RabbitMQ still be preserved same as first one by one method?

I tried publish messages one by one but throughput is very low.


  • They should be delivered to the broker in-order, yes. You can also use the PublishBatch extension method instead of looping yourself.