I am using useMutation hook from tanstack/react-query to add departments to my database.
Here is the addDepartment function:
import { useQuery, useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query';
async function addDepartment(deptData: deptFormSchemaType): Promise<any> {
const response = await fetch('/api/department', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(deptData),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to add department');
return response.json();
Here is the useMutation hook:
const {mutate} = useMutation(addDepartment, {
onSuccess: () => {toast.success('Department added successfully');
onError: () => {toast.error('Error adding department');}
The error is on useMutation(addDepartment
Type '(deptData: { name: string; description: string; dept_head: string; max_teams: number; members?: string[] | undefined; }) => Promise<any>' has no properties in common with type 'UseMutationOptions<unknown, Error, void, unknown>'.ts(2559)
(local function) addDepartment(deptData: deptFormSchemaType): Promise<any>
Your addDepartment function need to be added as a mutationFn. Like this
mutationFn: addDepartment,