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Powershell, trying to compare data sets efficiently

I have 2 data sets. Set1 has roughly 129k lines, has an ID column and, importantly, has the 2nd column code, which I will need later. Set2 has only has the ID column. Set2 also has about 83k lines, which should all be within Set1. Both files/datasets should be in order by ID, if that matters. Both should be as strings, but all IDs are padded to 10 digits long.

  • Set 1:
  • Set 2:

I am trying to find all IDs within Set1 that are not in Set2, including that 2nd column for each ID from dataset 1. I also need all IDs within Set1 that are in Set2, also including that 2nd column for each ID.

I also need subsets for each of those:

  1. All IDs within Set1 that are not in Set2, including that code column, separated by the code 0,1,2.

  2. All IDs within Set1 that are in Set2, including that code column, separated by the code 0,1,2.

The main issues I am having are the fact that the datasets are mismatched in that the main dataset has 2 columns, and the comparing dataset only has 1. And the fact that the datasets are so large, that I am trying to do this efficiently so it doesn't take a large amount of time, since this is a daily running program, and has other things to run after I get these subset lists.

  1. I have tried to import as arrays and compare them to get the sets of data I need, but it takes WAY too long to be practical. I am talking like 1 hour+. that is not even getting to the point that I need to subset them based on the 2nd column.

    $IDsNotIn2 = $Array1 | Where {$Array2 -NotContains $_}
  2. I have tried to use hashtables, and could not get the compares to work. I imported the csv's as hashtables. Then called Compare-Object. They returned nothing / showed nothing when called.

    import-CSV -Path $FILE_LOC | ForEach-Object { $hashtable1[$_.ID] = $_.Code }
    import-CSV -Path $FIXED_FILE_LOC -Header ID | ForEach-Object { $hashtable2[$_.ID] }
    Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $hashtable1 -DifferenceObject $hashtable2 -Property ID -PassThru | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty SideIndicator
    Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $hashtable1 -DifferenceObject $hashtable2
  3. I have tried .GetEnumerator and iterating over the first hashtable and if the key exists in the 2nd, creating a 3nd table with the new values. But for whatever reason, all the values from the first table get put into the new table.

    $hashtable1.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
    IF (-Not ($hashtable2.ContainsKey($_.key))){
        $ID = $_.key
        $columncode = $_.value
        $ID_Not_in_First_File[$ID] = @{
         $Code= $columncode 


  • If I understand correctly, an efficient solution can be the following:

    $mapNotInSet2 = @{}
    $mapInSet2 = @{}
    $rowsNotInSet2 = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
    # NOTE: Use absolute path to the file here,
    #       don't use relative path when calling a .NET method
    $set2 = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new(
    $rowsInSet2 = foreach ($row in Import-Csv 'path\to\set1.csv') {
        # Id exists in Set 2
        if ($set2.Contains($row.Id)) {
            if (-not $mapInSet2.ContainsKey($row.Id)) {
                $mapInSet2[$row.Id] = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
        # else, Id does not exist in Set 2
        if (-not $mapNotInSet2.ContainsKey($row.Id)) {
            $mapNotInSet2[$row.Id] = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    This would produce 4 different outputs, using the sample data:

    • $rowsInSet2
    ID         code
    --         ----
    0000000002 0
    0000012345 1
    0000012345 2
    0000056789 1
    0000034567 0
    • $mapInSet2 (subset, unique IDs with their corresponding code)
    Name                           Value
    ----                           -----
    0000034567                     {0}
    0000012345                     {1, 2}
    0000056789                     {1}
    0000000002                     {0}
    • $rowsNotInSet2
    ID         code
    --         ----
    0000023456 0
    0000078908 1
    • $mapNotInSet2 (subset, unique IDs with their corresponding code)
    Name                           Value
    ----                           -----
    0000078908                     {1}
    0000023456                     {0}