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Correct approach to bind ComboBox in DataGrid to viewmodel List or Enum

I am trying to let the user choose in a combobox in the datagrid, but can not find the correct approach. I have tried using both binding and x:bind. What would be the best approach? I would imagine the following code to be correct, but I am missing something.


    public partial class CustomerModel : ObservableObject
         private ObservableCollection<DataType> _objects;
         public ObservableCollection<DataType> Objects
             get => _objects;
             set => SetProperty(ref _objects, value);
         private ObservableCollection<string> _field;
         public ObservableCollection<string> Field
             get => _field;
             set => SetProperty(ref _field, value);
         public CustomerModel()
             Objects = new();
             Field = new ObservableCollection<string> { "Test", "Test" };
         public class DataType : ObservableObject
             public int ID { get; set; }
             public string Name { get; set; }
             public string Caption { get; set; }
             public bool Numeric { get; set; }
             public DataType()


         x:Name="dataGrid1" KeyDown="dataGrid1_KeyDown"
         ItemsSource="{x:Bind Model.Objects}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >
             <controls:DataGridComboBoxColumn Header="Field" ItemsSource="{x:Bind Model.Field}" Tag="Field"/>

Updated code which is now working. Does this look okay?

        public partial class CustomerModel : ObservableObject
            public enum Choices { A, B, C }
            private ObservableCollection<DataType> _objects;
            public CustomerModel()
                Objects = new();
                var data = new DataType();
            public static Choices[] ChoicesOptions { get; } = Enum.GetValues<Choices>();
            public partial class DataType : ObservableObject
                public int ID { get; set; }
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public string Caption { get; set; }
                public bool Numeric { get; set; }
                private  Choices _choice;


      <controls:DataGridComboBoxColumn Header="Field" Binding="{Binding Choice}" ItemsSource="{x:Bind local:CustomerModel.ChoicesOptions, Mode=OneTime}" Tag="Field"

Also, I notice you instantiate the viewmodel in the codebehind file, is this necessary? I do not:

       public sealed partial class DataGridPage : Page
             public DataGridPage()


  • Try making the Enum options static, just like Function Bindings. For example:

    public enum Sections { A, B, C }
    public partial class Item : ObservableObject
        private string _name = string.Empty;
        private Sections _section;
    public partial class SomeViewModel : ObservableObject
        private ObservableCollection<Item> _items = [];
        public SomeViewModel()
            Items.Add(new Item { Name = "Item 1", Section = Sections.A });
            Items.Add(new Item { Name = "Item 2", Section = Sections.B });
            Items.Add(new Item { Name = "Item 3", Section = Sections.C });
        public static Section[] SectionOptions { get; } = Enum.GetValues<SectionOptions>();
    public sealed partial class SomePage : Page
        public SomePage()
        public SomeViewModel ViewModel { get; } = new();

    Then you can bind it with x:Bind:

        Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"
            ItemsSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.Items}">
                    Binding="{Binding Section}"
                    ItemsSource="{x:Bind local:SomeViewModel.SectionOptions}" />

    BTW, as you are using the ObservableObject, you should be using the ObservableProperty attribute instead of implementing properties by yourself.