When I do a Invoke-WebRequest to a URI such as "http://SomeStoreName/npsharp/services/INP6Waycore/GetPosListXML" the response "Content" contains an array of strings.
The result of the invoke is
StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : "<PosList WayBusinessDay=\"20240806\" WaySystemDate=\"20240807 11:54\" WayVersion=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" WayPackage=\"3812019\" WayState=\"CLOSED\" WayUpdt=\"\"
RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 02:54:55 GMT
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
"<PosList WayBus...
Forms : {}
Headers : {[Transfer-Encoding, chunked], [Content-Type, application/json; charset=utf-8], [Date, Wed, 07 Aug 2024 02:54:55 GMT], [Server, Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0]}
Images : {}
InputFields : {}
Links : {}
ParsedHtml : System.__ComObject
RawContentLength : 1473
When I check the contents I can see that it is outputted as one line
"<PosList WayBusinessDay=\"20240806\" WaySystemDate=\"20240807 11:54\" WayVersion=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" WayPackage=\"3812019\" WayState=\"CLOSED\" WayUpdt=\"\" IsPrimaryProductionAvailable=\"true\" IsFailoverProductionAvailable=\"true\" PromotedProductionNode=\"primary\" >\n <Pos id=\"POS0001\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"FC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"POS\" alias=\"POS01 FC \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"/>\n <Pos id=\"POS0011\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"MCC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"POS\" alias=\"POS11 DT \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"/>\n <Pos id=\"POS0071\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"FC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"FOE\" alias=\"FOE0071 \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"/>\n <Pos id=\"RPS0300\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"\" type=\"\" businessDate=\" \" businessDayOpenedAt=\" \" pkg=\"\" version=\"\" ip=\"\" updt=\"\" node=\"PROD\" alias=\"RPS0300 (Primary)\" workingMode=\" \" orderInProgress=\"false\"/>\n</PosList>"
So after that I am using the split $result.Content.Split('/>')
and the result become:
"<PosList WayBusinessDay=\"20240806\" WaySystemDate=\"20240807 11:54\" WayVersion=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" WayPackage=\"3812019\" WayState=\"CLOSED\" WayUpdt=\"\" IsPrimaryProductionAvailable=\"true\" IsFailoverProductionAvailable=\"true\" PromotedProductionNode=\"primary\"
\n <Pos id=\"POS0001\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"FC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"POS\" alias=\"POS01 FC \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"
\n <Pos id=\"POS0011\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"MCC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"POS\" alias=\"POS11 DT \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"
\n <Pos id=\"POS0071\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"Closed\" type=\"FC\" businessDate=\"20240806 \" businessDayOpenedAt=\"20240806 10:09:24\" pkg=\"3812019\" version=\"NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415\" ip=\"\" updt=\"false\" node=\"FOE\" alias=\"FOE0071 \" workingMode=\"\" orderInProgress=\"false\"
\n <Pos id=\"RPS0300\" online=\"1\" operator=\" \" state=\"\" type=\"\" businessDate=\" \" businessDayOpenedAt=\" \" pkg=\"\" version=\"\" ip=\"\" updt=\"\" node=\"PROD\" alias=\"RPS0300 (Primary)\" workingMode=\" \" orderInProgress=\"false\"
But I am still not able to save as a table. I would like to have something like
Pos ID | State | Businessdate | Alias |
POS0001 | online | 20240806 | POS01 FC |
Is there a way to do an loop inside the contents and save it as table? I already tried convertFrom-Json and convertFrom-CSV but both failed.
Thanks a lot
→Update 1
Using Invoke-RestMethod
the output is
<PosList WayBusinessDay="20240806" WaySystemDate="20240807 12:49" WayVersion="NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415" WayPackage="3812019" WayState="CLOSED" WayUpdt="" IsPrimaryProductionAvailable="true" IsFailoverProductionAvailable="true" PromotedProductionNode="primary" >
<Pos id="POS0001" online="1" operator=" " state="Closed" type="FC" businessDate="20240806 " businessDayOpenedAt="20240806 10:09:24" pkg="3812019" version="NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415" ip="" updt="false" node="POS" alias="POS01 FC " workingMode="" orderInProgress="false"/>
<Pos id="POS0011" online="1" operator=" " state="Closed" type="MCC" businessDate="20240806 " businessDayOpenedAt="20240806 10:09:24" pkg="3812019" version="NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415" ip="" updt="false" node="POS" alias="POS11 DT " workingMode="" orderInProgress="false"/>
<Pos id="POS0071" online="1" operator=" " state="Closed" type="FC" businessDate="20240806 " businessDayOpenedAt="20240806 10:09:24" pkg="3812019" version="NP6.1.0.MR34QR0B23415" ip="" updt="false" node="FOE" alias="FOE0071 " workingMode="" orderInProgress="false"/>
<Pos id="RPS0300" online="1" operator=" " state="" type="" businessDate=" " businessDayOpenedAt=" " pkg="" version="" ip="" updt="" node="PROD" alias="RPS0300 (Primary)" workingMode=" " orderInProgress="false"/>
As noted in comments, use Invoke-RestMethod
instead to get the XML response, then you can use the XmlDocument
class to parse it and get the desired object.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod http://SomeStoreName/npsharp/services/INP6Waycore/GetPosListXML
$xml = [xml]::new()
$xml.SelectNodes('*/Pos') | Select-Object id, state, businessDate, Alias
Possibly you might be able to save the Xml parsing step if you use -ContentType application/xml
or -ContentType text/xml
$response = Invoke-RestMethod http://SomeStoreName/npsharp/services/INP6Waycore/GetPosListXML -ContentType application/xml
$response.SelectNodes('*/Pos') | Select-Object id, state, businessDate, Alias
With the sample XML posted in question you should get something like:
id state businessDate alias
-- ----- ------------ -----
POS0001 Closed 20240806 POS01 FC
POS0011 Closed 20240806 POS11 DT
POS0071 Closed 20240806 FOE0071
RPS0300 RPS0300 (Primary)