I have the following situation. I'm developing a reusable modal. I need to send different RenderFragments as the content of the modal.
Here's the modal DetallesEventoModal
@typeparam TItem
<MudButton OnClick="CerrarModal" Color="Color.Primary">Cerrar</MudButton>
@code {
private MudDialogInstance? MudDialog { get; set; }
[Parameter, EditorRequired]
public RenderFragment<TItem>? Content { get; set; } = default!;
private void CerrarModal()
As you can see I have a parameter RenderFragment<TItem>? Content
The code below shows the button that triggers the modal.
<MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.RemoveRedEye"
private void OnVerAction()
var options = new DialogOptions
MaxWidth = MaxWidth.ExtraExtraLarge,
CloseOnEscapeKey = false,
DisableBackdropClick = true
RenderFragment<MyNewFragment> _MyNewFragmentRender = (model) =>@<MyNewFragment SomeProp="hello loremp" />;
var parameters = new DialogParameters
["Content"] = _MyNewFragmentRender
var dialog = DialogService.Show<DetallesEventoModal<MyNewFragment>>("New Fragment", parameters, options);
@if(SomeProp != null)
<h3>Fragment with @SomeProp loaded!</h3>
} else
@code {
public string? SomeProp { get; set; }
My issue is that the @content
is not rendering the HTML, it is just printing the name of the class.
The idea is being able to provide different fragments as content for the modal, so the modal will remain unchanged.
means you should be calling @Content(item)
where item
is of type TItem
Remember RenderFragment
is a Delegate
If you are not passing a context, just use RenderFragment
public RenderFragment<TItem>? Content { get; set; }
You do not need the = default!
if it is nullable. ?