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How to create a gradient background layer in MapboxGL?

How t Is there any way to create a gradient background in mapboxGL JS or Studio? There is a prop for linear gradient, but I can't find any information about polygonal gradient. As a background layer or a polygon from -90 to 90. Is there any way to create a gradient background in mapboxGL JS or Studio? There is a prop for linear gradient, but I can't find any information about polygonal gradient.
As a background layer or a polygon from -90 to 90. Thanks!


    map.on('load', function () {  
        // Add a source for the polygon area  
        map.addSource('gradient-source', {  
            'type': 'geojson',  
            'data': {  
                'type': 'FeatureCollection',  
                'features': [  
                        'type': 'Feature',  
                        'geometry': {  
                            'type': 'Polygon',  
                            'coordinates': [[  
                                [-180, -90],  
                                [180, -90],  
                                [180, 90],  
                                [-180, 90],  
                                [-180, -90]  
        // Add the background layer with a gradient effect using multiple layers  
        const colors = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff']; // Replace with your gradient colors  
        colors.forEach((color, index) => {  
                'id': `polygon-gradient-${index}`,  
                'type': 'fill',  
                'source': 'gradient-source',  
                'layout': {},  
                'paint': {  
                    'fill-color': color,  
                    'fill-opacity': 1 - (index / colors.length)
    // you can also crate a gradient image or use libriers likx D3.js