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Blazor Validation Loop

I have a simple model called FooModel that has a single string property called Text.

I am attempting to use DataAnnotationsValidator to validate a collection of Models that are dynamically added to the EditForm

The chained binding and the ValidationSummary and ValidationMessage works outside of a loop. See Example 1

But using a loop, Example 2, the form submitting always validates as true and no errors are displayed in the ValidationSummary nor ValidationMessage.

I guess I could have an EditForm per iteration and that may solve it, but I was trying to get it in a single EditForm.

If I add a CascadingParameter of EditForm to the ListComponent and subscribe to OnValidationRequested I see all the latest values for the Model in question, but it doesn't seem to bubble up to the Page.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.


public class FooModel
    public string? Text { get; set; }


// Example 1

<EditForm Model=@_fooModel OnValidSubmit=@OnValidSubmit OnInvalidSubmit=@OnInvalidSubmit>
   <DataAnnotationsValidator />
      <ValidationSummary />
      <InputComponent @bind-Value=@_fooModel.Text />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

// Example 2

<EditForm Model=@_fooModels OnValidSubmit=@OnValidSubmit OnInvalidSubmit=@OnInvalidSubmit>
   <DataAnnotationsValidator />
      <ValidationSummary />
      <ListComponent @bind-Values=@_fooModels />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

@code {

   private FooModel _fooModel = new() { Text = "z" };
   private List<FooModel> _fooModels = new() { 
      new() { Text = "a" },
      new() { Text = "b" },
      new() { Text = "c" } 


List Component

    foreach (var value in Values)
        <InputComponent @bind-Value=@value.Text />

@code {

   public required List<FooModel> Values { get; set; }

   public EventCallback<List<FooModel>> ValuesChanged { get; set; }



<input type="text" value=@value @onchange=@OnInput />
<ValidationMessage For=@ValueExpression />

@code {

    private string? value;
    public Expression<Func<string>> ValueExpression { get; set; } = default!;
    public string? Value { get; set; }

    public EventCallback<string> ValueChanged { get; set; }
    private async Task OnInput(ChangeEventArgs e)
        value = e?.Value?.ToString();
        await ValueChanged.InvokeAsync(value);


  • DataAnnotationsValidator doesn't support complex objects.

    Take a look at Fluent Validation. See - Fluent Validation.

    There are references to several Blazor implementations in the link. If you want to see a simple Blazor implementation there's the one I use here -