I am using the following ogrinfo
call to update a row record (where name is "50mn_R9_R10"):
ogrinfo tmp.shp -dialect sqlite -sql 'update tmp set iacolor=case when name="50mn_R9_10" then "amber" end'
The problem appears when I update the next record (ie. name is "50mn_R10_R11" and iacolor is 'red') because it deletes the previous updated row record (ie. 'amber' is deleted where name is "50mn_R9_R10"):
ogrinfo tmp.shp -dialect sqlite -sql 'update tmp set iacolor=case when name="50mn_R10_11" then "red" end'
What am I doing wrong here? Any hints are much appreciated.
Thanks to @jarlh, the right ogrinfo
call is as follows:
ogrinfo tmp.shp -dialect sqlite -sql 'update tmp set iacolor="amber" where name="50mn_R9_10"'
So, other row records can be updated programmatically once the desired field (in this case "iacolor") is changed based on another field (in this case "name").