Does anyone know how to mock/fake the CC32XX board to do development.
I am doing development for this firmware and would like to make it more simple that having to flash it with Uniflash to try things out
From what I understand, you wish to increase your quality of life as a developer, with less time doing mundane operations (programming the chip, etc), and more time doing actual work. I can see a few options:
- By far the easiest: Use Renode. It apparently has support for both the cc3220sf and the cc3235sf targets.
- Another approach to this (if you have the board available, of course) would be to have a software that lets you run your code and debug it directly on the chip. Such a firmware is OpenOCD. You can use it by itself (and with gdb-multiarch) or you can use Yocto to build a Linux distribution for your target, enable direct memory access, and run OpenOCD directly on the target. See this video if it sounds like something you would like to do.
- Considerably more difficult and expensive: you can simulate your board with an FPGA. This would require quite some of work, and you would also need to support it.