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Get SQL Anywhere server version (NOT A DATABASE)

It looks like it is not possible to find what version of SQL Anywhere is running and to which I connected. Because it is everywhere listed as "Get the SQL Anywhere server version the DATABASE was made".

Not interested. I want to now the current running server version of SQL Anywhere.

Is it possible?

I tried sp_version and SELECT @@version, but the are for the big Sybase and not for SQL Anywhere and so produce an error as no such procedure/column.


  • To get the version of the SQLAnywhere software (not the version of the database file) there are a few options:

    If you're logged into a database:

    1> select @@version
    2> go
    1> select property('ProductVersion')
    2> go

    NOTE: if these generate an error then it may be a case of your SQLAnywhere software being extremely old or you're not actually connected to a SQLAnywhere database

    From the command line, and assuming you have access to the dbsrv## binary, you can use the dbversion binary to display the version string of various SQLAnywhere binaries (eg, dbsrv##, dbeng##):

    $ type -a dbversion dbsrv17
    dbversion is /opt/sap/ASA17/bin/dbversion
    dbsrv17 is /opt/sap/ASA17/bin/dbsrv17
    $ dbversion /opt/sap/ASA17/bin/dbsrv17
    SQL Anywhere Version Diagnostic Utility Version
    /opt/sap/ASA17/bin/dbsrv17: dbsrv17 GA 17 0 9 4899 linux 2018/11/07 21:52:49 posix 64 production


    • re: the dbversion /opt/sap/ASA17/bin/dbsrv17 call ...
    • the 1st line of output is describing the dbversion binary
    • the 2nd line of output is providing the version details of the dbsrv17 binary with the version displayed as space delimited numbers (17 0 9 4899 in this case)

    If your dbversion call gives you an error (eg, dbversion not found, or not able to find a .so file) then make sure your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables have been updated accordingly. In my case SQLAnywhere is used as a embedded component of another software package so I had to first issue the following:

    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/sap/ASA17/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
    $ PATH="/opt/sap/ASA17/bin:${PATH}"

    If you're looking for the version of software the database file was created under (and last upgraded to) you can get a history of software versions from the SYSHISTORY view, eg:

    1> select operation, version, last_time
    2> from SYSHISTORY
    3> order by last_time
    4> go
     operation    version       last_time                          
     ------------ ------------- -------------------------------- 
     INIT      Jul 29 2022 12:26:47.000000PM 
     LAST_BACKUP      Jul 29 2022 12:26:51.000000PM 
     START      May 12 2023 10:51:45.000000AM 
     START      May  2 2024 10:54:08.000000AM 
     START      May  2 2024 10:54:08.000000AM 
     LAST_START      May  2 2024 10:54:08.000000AM 

    If you're unable to log into the database you may be able to ascertain the version of the database file by running strings against the database file while looking for the version string next to a 'Copyright' message. Keep in mind this may generate a lot of output.

    $ strings db_name.db | grep -i copyright
    ... snip ...
    Copyright (c)2015 SAP SE, Copyright (c)2015 SAP SE, Copyright ...
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^                           ^^^^^^^^^^^
    ... snip ...

    Since the SYSHISTORY data is in the db file another twist on the strings approach consists of running a grep for the various operations values, eg:

    $ strings db_name.db | grep -E -A1 'START$|INIT$|BACKUP$'
    START 5.15.0-105-generic #115~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mz&L
    START 5.15.0-53-generic #59~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu
    LAST_BACKUP 5.8.0-41-generic #46~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon 
    START 5.8.0-41-generic #46~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon 
    LAST_START 5.15.0-105-generic #115~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mz&L
    INIT 5.8.0-41-generic #46~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon 
    select 1