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Getting error while loading Power BI Embed Report

Getting error while while executing report in power BI embeded

  1. generated Azure AD Auth token
  2. generated Embed token
  3. generated Embed URL for integrating report

Everything went smooth but loading the report by using code in JavaScript gave below error.

Any Suggestions where made mistake?

enter image description here


  • The problem was in the modelling which can be found inside powerbi desktop Application

    1. Go in particular report open .pbix file in Desktop App
    2. In the Header go to Modeling.
    3. Beneath there will be option for Manage Roles.
    4. So in row level security Applied in report we need to provide effective identity parameter make sure that you assign correct role here.
    5. You can rename to any role there or with any string that yo need to pass in the effective identity.
    6. It was misleading from the error codes in API was asking about Capacity management but by open connection error.

    enter image description here