From what I can tell, it appears that Microsoft Azure only allows YAML, Terraform, or Bicep for defining infrastructure in code. AWS's CDK, however, allows one to build out the infrastructure using common programming languages like C# and TypeScript (which I find much easier to work with than the above).
Am I missing something, or is there in fact a way to build Azure IaC with ordinary languages (either natively or via third-party frameworks)? Alternatively, does Microsoft intend on providing this functionality in the foreseeable future?
As I mentioned you can use Azure SDK to create any resources in Azure Subscription.
Also as @Rui Jarimba mentioned pulumi
also can be used.
I have created Storage account with both method using C#.
In dotnet to create resource Azure.ResourceManager
package is used.
I am using the following packages;
for storage account creation.Azure.Identity
for authentication.Azure.Core
for other azure utilities.using Azure;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Storage;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.Models;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
string subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string rgName = "Azure-SDK-RG";
var credentials = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var armClient = new ArmClient(credentials);
SubscriptionResource subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier($"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}")); // `GetSubscriptionResource` to be used when you have multiple subscription in tenant
// for single or default subscription you can use
SubscriptionResource subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
var location = AzureLocation.AustraliaEast;
ArmOperation<ResourceGroupResource> operation = await subscription.GetResourceGroups().CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, rgName, new ResourceGroupData(location));
ResourceGroupResource resourceGroup = operation.Value;
string accountName = "azuresdkstorage";
var sku = new StorageSku(StorageSkuName.StandardGrs);
var kind = StorageKind.Storage;
var storageParameters = new StorageAccountCreateOrUpdateContent(sku,kind,location);
var storageAccountResource = resourceGroup.GetStorageAccounts();
ArmOperation<StorageAccountResource> armOperation = await storageAccountResource.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, accountName, storageParameters);
var storageAccount = armOperation.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Storage Account '{storageAccount.Data.Name}' created successfully.");
:For reference check this github document
To create project I followed following steps:
pulumi new
command to select templateazure-csharp
template selecteddefault name dev
pulumi up
to deploy the created codepulumi adds additional string in the name for unique-names
using Pulumi;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Resources;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage;
using Pulumi.AzureNative.Storage.Inputs;
using System.Collections.Generic;
return await Pulumi.Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
// Create an Azure Resource Group
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumi-RG");
// Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
var storageAccount = new StorageAccount("sa5aug", new StorageAccountArgs
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
Sku = new SkuArgs
Name = SkuName.Standard_LRS
Kind = Kind.StorageV2
var storageAccountKeys = ListStorageAccountKeys.Invoke(new ListStorageAccountKeysInvokeArgs
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AccountName = storageAccount.Name
var primaryStorageKey = storageAccountKeys.Apply(accountKeys =>
var firstKey = accountKeys.Keys[0].Value;
return Output.CreateSecret(firstKey);
return new Dictionary<string, object?>
["primaryStorageKey"] = primaryStorageKey