In Angular 17, There is an Angular library named CommonLib and It contains a WaitSpinnerService which has a private class variable waitSpinner = new EventEmitter();
I use the CommonLib WaitSpinnerService in the AppComponent so I need to import it in the AppModule. I emphasize the WaitSpinnerService is providedIn: 'root'.
In the appComponent's constructor, I listen to the WaitSpinnerService waitSpinner.asObservable via subscribe to turn on or off the wait spinner.
I have a lot of Lazy loaded modules. How it's possible, that when I navigated to a lazy loaded module, always creating a new WaitSpinnerService I see when I navigated to a lazy loaded module, always landed the execution of the constructor of the WaitSpinnerService.
More details about the modules hierarchy: AppModule
Each place the CommonLibModule.forRoot() was used. What will be the right module organization to keep the WaitSpinnerService remains singleton in the App?
you can use this pattern
providers: [WaitSpinnerService]
export class CommonLibModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<CommonLibModule> {
return {
ngModule: CommonLibModule,
providers: [WaitSpinnerService]
and then import as like as below
imports: [
export class AppModule {}