I have reports that users can download into a .csv
file but a few of the fields have HTML formatting from a WYSIWYG editor. Is there a way to display the HTML in the field in the .csv
Here is my ExportReport.jsx
import CsvDownloader from "react-csv-downloader";
import moment from "moment";
const ExportReport = ({ reports }) => {
let columns = [];
let datas = [];
if (reports) {
columns = [
id: "matchType",
displayName: "Match Type",
id: "eventName",
displayName: "Event Name",
id: "matchDate",
displayName: "Match Date",
id: "opponentName",
displayName: "Opponent Name",
id: "weightCategory",
displayName: "Weight Category",
id: "club",
displayName: "Club",
id: "country",
displayName: "Country",
id: "rank",
displayName: "Rank",
id: "grip",
displayName: "Grip",
id: "opponentAttacks",
displayName: "Opponent Attacks",
id: "attackNotes",
displayName: "Opponent Attack Notes",
id: "myAttacks",
displayName: "My Attacks",
id: "My Attack Notes",
displayName: "My Attack Notes",
id: "result",
displayName: "Result",
id: "score",
displayName: "score",
id: "videoURL",
displayName: "Video URL",
let opponentAttacks = "";
let athleteAttacks = "";
reports.map((report) => {
report.opponentAttacks.map((attack) => {
opponentAttacks += attack + " ";
report.athleteAttacks.map((attack) => {
athleteAttacks += attack + " ";
matchType: report.matchType,
eventName: report.eventName,
matchDate: moment(report.matchDate).format("MM/DD/YYYY"),
//endtDate: report.eventEndDate,
opponentName: report.opponentName,
weightCategory: report.weightCategory,
club: report.club,
country: report.country,
rank: report.rank,
grip: report.grip,
opponentAttacks: opponentAttacks,
attackNotes: report.opponentAttackNotes,
myAttacks: athleteAttacks,
myAttachNotes: report.athleteAttackNotes,
result: report.result,
scor: report.scor,
videoURL: report.videoURL,
return (
text="Download Reports"
export default ExportReport;
The report.athleteAttackNotes
and report.opponentAttackNotes
have html formatting and I would like that to display as formatted in the .csv
file if possible.
In a test report for the report.opponentAttacks
I have I have a test one in the .csv file that is:
<p>Rocky's attack notes</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Some Bold</strong></p>
and if at all possible I would like this text to be displayed with the spacing the <p></p>
and <br>
tags would provide in an HTML file.
I'm also not tied to a .csv file
. That was just the only solution I found to download the reports. If there is some other way please let me know.
As suggested in the comments, thanks @tripleee. My issue was that I was trying to display html in .csv which by definition is plain text, so I found another solution to download into Excel which keeps my formatting.
So I created a button on the page I was previously downloading the .csv from. Then I created a table with all the data and added a button to export to excel.
I need to format it a bit, but here is the ReportsTable.jsx file:
const ReportsTable = ({ reports }) => {
const exportTableToExcel = () => {
// Get the table HTML
const table = document.getElementById("my-table");
if (!table) return;
const tableHTML = table.outerHTML.replace(/ /g, "%20");
// Specify the data type
const dataType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
// Define the file name
const fileName = "table.xls";
// Create a download link element
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
// Browser check to support Microsoft Excel file download
if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
const blob = new Blob(["\ufeff", tableHTML], {
type: dataType,
navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
} else {
// Create a link to the file
downloadLink.href = `data:${dataType}, ${tableHTML}`;
// Setting the file name
downloadLink.download = fileName;
// Triggering the function
return (
<table id="my-table">
<th>Match Type</th>
<th>Event Name</th>
<th>Match Date</th>
<th>Opponent Name</th>
<th>Weight Category</th>
<th>Opponent Attacks</th>
<th>Opponent Attack Notes</th>
<th>My Attacks</th>
<th>My Attack Notes</th>
<th>Video URL</th>
{reports &&
reports.map((report) => (
__html: `${report.opponentAttackNotes}`,
__html: `${report.athleteAttackNotes}`,
<button onClick={exportTableToExcel}>Export to Excel</button>
export default ReportsTable;