Search code examples

Skipping Order if Older order is present

I need help with item # 3.

  1. Skip duplicate orders
  2. Skip cancelled orders
  3. Skip order if an older order is present

enter image description here

In the given data, we need to:

  • skip id # 2,
  • skip id # 3 or 4.
  • skip id # 5 (as it repeated in id #6, where we have previous_order_id of 5).
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE customer_orders (
    id                NUMBER,
    order_date        DATE,
    customer_id       VARCHAR,
    order_id          VARCHAR,
    item_id           VARCHAR,
    order_status      VARCHAR,
    previous_order_id VARCHAR
INSERT INTO customer_orders
    (1, '2023-07-01', 'customer_id_001', 'order_id_c001_101', 'tv',      'completed', null),
    (2, '2023-07-02', 'customer_id_001', 'order_id_c001_102', 'clothes', 'cancelled', null),
    (3, '2023-07-03', 'customer_id_002', 'order_id_c002_201', 'food',    'completed', null),
    (4, '2023-07-03', 'customer_id_002', 'order_id_c002_201', 'food',    'completed', null),
    (5, '2023-07-04', 'customer_id_002', 'order_id_c002_202', 'dvd',     'completed', null),
    (6, '2023-07-05', 'customer_id_002', 'order_id_c002_203', 'dvd',     'completed', 'order_id_c002_202');

Here is my work in progress:

WITH cte_customer_orders AS (
    , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id, order_id, item_id ORDER BY order_date DESC) AS duplicates
  FROM customer_orders  
SELECT * FROM cte_customer_orders
WHERE duplicates=1
  AND order_status='completed'
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4;

enter image description here

I need to skip id # 5.

There are a few other business rules, but I skipped them to focus on this issue only.


  • I edited your query, it is working.

    WITH cte_customer_orders AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id, order_id, item_id ORDER BY order_date DESC) AS rn
      FROM customer_orders
    filtered_orders AS (
      SELECT *
      FROM cte_customer_orders
      WHERE rn = 1
        AND order_status = 'completed'
    -- Select the records according to the specified rules
    SELECT *
    FROM filtered_orders fo
      SELECT 1
      FROM filtered_orders fo2
      WHERE fo.customer_id = fo2.customer_id
        AND fo2.previous_order_id = fo.order_id
    ORDER BY id;

    here is the output.
