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PHP: determine session expiration

I have seen many articles on the internet but none of them answers my question. Which is a simple one. I want to solve this:

  1. user starts a form and a PHP session
  2. the user advances a few pages
  3. the user goes away for dinner and returns after a few hours
  4. the session has expired

I want to throw a message stating "your session has expired". However, a user that has never visited my site and starts the same form is now also presented the erroneous message because his session is also new.

I tried $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] which contains the sessionid. If that variable is set, I may assume the user tries to continue on that session (but it can no longer be retrieved). So when I start the session and it is empty, do I know then that he is an old friend, trying to reconnect?

Basic question: how can I make a distinction between a new user/session and a user that comes back after gc has removed its session file?

Thanks, Erik.


  • You could do that using a combination of $_SESSION and $_COOKIE.

    $cookieName = 'user_id';
    //Check if the session has started 
    //or not
    if (isset($_SESSION['started'])) {
      // Session exists, proceed with 
      //normal operation
      echo "Welcome back!";
    } else {
     // Session does not exist, check 
     //if the cookie is present
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) 
        // Cookie exists but session 
        //does not, meaning the session 
        //has expired
        echo "Your session expired";
       } else {
        // No session and no cookie, 
        //it's a new user
        // Set a new session and a new 
        $_SESSION['started'] = true;
        $uniqueId = uniqid();
        //Generate a unique ID as you 
          $uniqueId, time() + (86400 * 
           30),"/"); // 30 days expiry
        echo "New user";