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Python unable to find file in network directory

I'm trying to open an image from a folder in my network, but python can't find it.

It is a PySimpleGUI small app that shows images.

This is the code related:

img1 = os.path.join(values['-FOLDER-'], img) 

And this is the error it throws:

No such file or directory: '\\\\XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX\\folder\\image.jpg'

The path is correct and the file does exists.

I have tried doing the same with images localy in my pc and it does work, so I'm guessing the problem is related to accessing the folder in the network.

I can open the folder and the image with the file explorer, after entering user and password to open the folder, I checked the remember credentials box so my user should have acces to it.

What could I do to solve this?



  • I solved this using pywin32 library and creating a connection to the shared drive.

    import win32net    
    data = {
        'remote': r'\\XX.XX.XX.XX\Folder', 
        'local': '',
        'username': 'username',
        'password': 'password'
    win32net.NetUseAdd(None, 2, data)