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Authenticate an IMAP using Auth2.0 (Microsoft Entra ID) Not Working For Outlook

I am trying to connect the Outlook using IMAP. But nothing seems to be working. Here's what I am doing to achieve this

  1. Created Microsoft Entra Application Withh all the required permissions enter image description herePermission For Application

  2. Then From my Application I implemented Authentication in response of which I am getting the access_token, id_token, and refresh_token

  3. Documentation of Microsoft says that access_tokens can be of two types v1 or v2. But both formats will be in JWT format. Here you can see the documentation.enter image description here

  4. But when the I authenticate with the microsoft in response I get the access_token which is not like the format which they have mentioned in their docs. But that token works fine for api calling.

     "scope"=>"IMAP.AccessAsUser.All POP.AccessAsUser.All SMTP.Send openid email User.Read Mail.Read MailboxSettings.Read Calendars.ReadWrite",
  1. After that I convert the token to SASL XOAUTH TOKEN. After that I try to connect to IMAP where I am never successful and that's where I need help. I have also allowed IMAP from my mailbox as well.

  2. I used Ruby, Node.js to convert the token to XOAUTH and connect. For ruby i used net/imap with gmail_auth and for node i have used imap/node-imap.

Any help in this regard will be much appreciated. I am planning to switch to read the email via apis if this does not works.

For Ruby I am trying to connect using

require 'gmail_xoauth'
require 'net/imap'
imap ='', port: 993, ssl: true)
imap.authenticate('XOAUTH2', email, 'MY-TOKEN')

For node i have tried several ways one was to generate xoauthtoken as well.

let base64Encoded = Buffer.from([``, `auth=Bearer ${token}`, '', ''].join('\x01'), 'utf-8').toString('base64');
imap = new Imap({xoauth2: base64Encoded, host: '', port: 993, tls: true, debug: console.log});

I am not able to exactly figure out where the problems actually is


  • Thank you @Max. The issue has been resolved. The mistake I was doing that I was putting the scope of microsoft graph while IMAP requires it to be outlook scope.

    For example I was using scope


    But the requirements for the IMAP was

    So after updating the scopes things started working.

    And again credit goes to @Max