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How to get count based on agent in multiple columns

I have data like below in a table.

CaseNum FirstAgent NextAgent
1234 Rama Raja
1234 Rama Rama
5678 Siva Rama
5678 Siva Krishna

My requirement is I need to output like below.

Agent Case Count
Rama 2
Raja 1
Siva 1
Krishna 1

I need to show both firstagent and nextagent in a single column. We should not consider duplicates if the same agent is there in first agent and next agent.

Could some on please help on this to write the query.


  • Here is a way to do it using UNION ALL and GROUP BY :

    SELECT Agent, COUNT(DISTINCT CaseNum) AS [Case Count]
    FROM (
      SELECT FirstAgent As Agent, CaseNum
      FROM mytable
      SELECT NextAgent, CaseNum
      FROM mytable
    ) AS S
    GROUP BY Agent

    Demo here