I wrote a script using VBA to save a Solidworks part in my opened assembly as step file, in a specific folder. This works fine for me. Here is my entire code.
'Declare variables
Dim swApp As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
Dim PathInit, PathCut As String
Sub SaveFiles()
'Use opened file as active document
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
'Prepare path
PathInit = Part.GetPathName 'Determine file location of the assembly
PathCut = Left(PathInit, InStrRev(PathInit, "\")) 'Remove text after the last slash
'Open user form
End Sub
Public Sub UserInput(InputFS, InputMS As String)
Dim PartNrFS, PartNrMS As String
Dim ExtInit, ExtNew, PartNameFS, ProjectNr, XTFolder, REV As String
'New pathname
ExtInit = ".SLDPRT" 'Old extension
ExtNew = ".STEP" 'New extension (either step or xt)
XTFolder = "XT\"
PartNrFS = InputFS 'Input from userform
PartNrMS = InputMS 'Input from userform
PartNameFS = "PartName"
REV = "[REV0]"
Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(PathCut + PartNameFS + ExtInit, 1, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
longstatus = Part.SaveAs3(PathCut + XTFolder + ProjectNr + "_" + PartNrFS + " " + PartNameFS + " " + REV + ExtNew, 0, 2)
End Sub
However, I want to use a part of the part's path in the new file name. The path of the part looks like this:
I want to rename the file, using a part of the original path, namely the following folder: XXX_0000_XXXX, where X=letter, 0=number. For every new file, this code is different. It can for example be ABC_0102_DEFG or YGS_1842_GEHV. I want to include ONLY the numbers in the filename.
Currently, this is an example of the input: "FilenameOld.SLDPRT" and the output: "FilenameNew.STEP". The desired output should be something like "0000_FilenameNew.STEP". In my code, this number is 'ProjectNr' with a set value. This value should be taken out of the path. Additional example:
The pathname is already given/generated. So the number in the code XXX_0000_XXXX is known. To make it more difficult, the code is not always on the same location. It can be positioned between Folder4-Folder5, but can also be placed between e.g. Folder3-Folder4. Can somebody please help me?
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you in advance!
Please, use the next function:
Function changeFileName(initName As String, strExtension As String) As String
Dim FileName As String, FoldPath As String, arr, arrEl, El
Dim NumPart As Long, newFileName As String, fileNoExtention As String
arr = Split(initName, "\")
For Each El In arr
arrEl = Split(El, "_")
If UBound(arrEl) = 2 Then
If IsNumeric(arrEl(1)) Then
NumPart = arrEl(1): Exit For
End If
End If
Next El
FileName = arr(UBound(arr))
FoldPath = left(initName, InStrRev(initName, "\"))
fileNoExtention = Split(FileName, ".")(0)
newFileName = NumPart & "_" & fileNoExtention & strExtension
changeFileName = FoldPath & newFileName
End Function
It can be tested using the next testing Sub:
Sub testChangeFileName()
Dim initName As String, finalName As String
initName = "C:\Users\User\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Folder4\ABC_5438_QWER\Folder5\Folder6\Folder7\Filename.SLDPPRT"
Const strExtension As String = ".STEP" 'dot included...
Debug.Print "Init Name = " & initName
finalName = changeFileName(initName, strExtension) 'use it as you need...
Debug.Print "New Name = " & finalName
End Sub
I used the pattern discussed in the bellow comment.
Please, send some feedback after testing it.