I made some changes to Skizo-ozᴉʞS ツ variant and now it works fine:
private val eventsChannel = MutableSharedFlow<Event>(
replay = 1, extraBufferCapacity = 64,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST
and sendEvent function:
fun sendEvent(event: Event) {
eventBusScope.launch {
I need to upgrade material 3 from 1.1.2 to 1.2.1, but if I do so, I get error concerning asFlow() -
Using 'asFlow(): Flow<T>' is an error. 'BroadcastChannel' is obsolete and all corresponding operators are deprecated in the favour of StateFlow and SharedFlow
Is there any possibility to use material 3 1.2.1 and asFlow together?
I tried upgrading but I get compilation error.
The code as follows:
object EventBus {
private val eventsChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<Event>()
private val screenState = MutableStateFlow(ContentType.EMPTY)
private val screenOperatorState = MutableStateFlow(OperatorContentType.EMPTY)
val eventFlow: Flow<Event>
get() = eventsChannel.asFlow()
val getScreen: Flow<ContentType>
get() = screenState
val getOperatorScreen: Flow<OperatorContentType>
get() = screenOperatorState
fun sendEvent(event: Event) {
Log.d("MyLogBackArrow","sendEvent in EventBus $event")
fun <C>setScreen(screenType: C) {
is ContentType -> {
screenState.value = screenType
is OperatorContentType -> {
screenOperatorState.value = screenType
You should change the code so you use :
Represents this mutable shared flow as a read-only shared flow. public fun MutableSharedFlow.asSharedFlow(): SharedFlow = ReadonlySharedFlow(this, null)
in case you don't have any CoroutineScope
but without the isSuccess
object EventBus {
private val eventsChannel = MutableSharedFlow<Event>()
private val screenState = MutableStateFlow(ContentType.EMPTY)
private val screenOperatorState = MutableStateFlow(OperatorContentType.EMPTY)
val eventFlow: Flow<Event>
get() = eventsChannel.asSharedFlow()
val getScreen: Flow<ContentType>
get() = screenState
val getOperatorScreen: Flow<OperatorContentType>
get() = screenOperatorState
fun sendEvent(event: Event) {
Log.d("MyLogBackArrow","sendEvent in EventBus $event")
fun <C> setScreen(screenType: C) {
when (screenType) {
is ContentType -> {
screenState.value = screenType
is OperatorContentType -> {
screenOperatorState.value = screenType