I have a generic type for which I'd like to retrieve at runtime the type of its type variable.
The following snippet runs well, but it uses Generic.__orig_bases__
which is not an official API (its use is discouraged in PEP 560 that defines it).
Is there an official API to retrieve it? And if not, is there another (officially supported) way for me to code get_t
in this example?
import typing
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
class MyGeneric(typing.Generic[T]):
def get_t(cls) -> type[T]:
for base in cls.__orig_bases__:
if typing.get_origin(base) is MyGeneric:
return typing.get_args(base)[0]
raise RuntimeError("didn't work :(")
class IntImplementation(MyGeneric[int]):
assert IntImplementation.get_t() is int
I think with Python 3.12 we can safely say that __orig_bases__
is now documented and there's a function that can retrieve it:
from types import get_original_bases
# (__main__. MyGeneric[int],)
Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/library/types.html#types.get_original_bases