Search code examples

Retrieve a line with different identifiers

I have a query writing problem. My table:

-> table users_keyword_document

 document_id | users_keyword_id
          65 |                1
          65 |                2
          66 |                1
          66 |                3

I want to retrieve only the document with document_id 65
The search can only be done with the user keyword identifiers so users_keyword_id

My query :

SELECT document_id, users_keyword_id
FROM users_keyword_document
WHERE users_keyword_id IN (1,2);

Returns the following result :

 document_id | users_keyword_id
          65 |                1
          65 |                2
          66 |                1

Is there an easy way to do this?
I use PostgreSQL.

Thanks for your help.


  • Use HAVING as a condition that works on the group of records:

    SELECT document_id
        , ARRAY_AGG(users_keyword_id) AS keyword_ids
    FROM users_keyword_document
    GROUP BY document_id
    HAVING ARRAY_AGG(users_keyword_id) <@ ARRAY[1, 2];