I have a PowerShell script that I would like to export to two different CSV files. One of them also includes an additional parameter to append. I've tried this and it does create a second CSV, but it's blank. Can someone please help?
Get-RemoteProgram -ComputerName (Get-Content -Path C:\PowerShell\complist.txt) -ExcludeProgram (Get-Content -Path C:\PowerShell\applist.txt) | Where-Object {($_.ProgramName -notmatch 'KB\d+|Microsoft .NET|Microsoft Visual|Intel|Windows Driver Package')} | sort-object -property computer,programName | export-csv -path C:\PowerShell\output.csv -NoTypeInformation | export-csv -path C:\PowerShell\outputappend.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
Your code boils down to this:
Get-RemoteProgram ... | Export-Csv ... | Export-Csv ...
You're piping the output from the first Export-Csv
into the second, but the documentation says of Export-Csv
This cmdlet returns no output.
So the second Export-Csv
is equivalent to:
$null | Export-Csv ...
What you need to do is capture the csv data into a temporary variable and then pipe that into two separate calls to Export-Csv
# build the data to export to csv
$data = Get-RemoteProgram ...
# export to file 1
$data | Export-Csv ...
# export to file 2
$data | Export-Csv ...