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What is a quicker way using Pandas to do a .loc on a large dataframe?

I have a large dataframe with customer data. I then have two lists with unique customer IDs and unique backup values. Both lists are the same length. I want a quicker solution to override a column in the dataset if the unique ID is in the list.

Here is what I am currently doing:

for unique_id, overrides_id in zip([list of unique_ids], [list of override ids]):
    df.loc[df['Unique_ID_Column'] == unique_id, 'unique_id_backup'] = override_id


  • I assume there is a typo in the question and the assignment should be

    df.loc[df['Unique_ID_Column'] == unique_id, 'unique_id_backup'] = overrides_id

    I believe you could use the method. First you would set up a mapper dictionary {keys:values} where keys are elements from the unique_id list and values are overrides_id. Then you can use that mapper to override the values accordingly. You did not mention what to do with rows where the customer ID is not present in unique_id list.

    df['unique_id_backup'] = df['Unique_ID_Column'].map(mapper)

    This should do what you're after, replacing missing IDs with NaNs in the 'unique_id_backup' column. If you wanted to keep the original ID in case it's missing, you can do:

    df['unique_id_backup'] = df['Unique_ID_Column'].map(lambda x:mapper.get(x,x))

    Worked example:

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        {'Unique_ID_Column': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
         'Some customer data': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']}
    unique_id = [1, 3, 5]
    override_id = [10, 30, 50]
    mapper = dict(zip(unique_id, override_id))
    df['unique_id_backup'] = df['Unique_ID_Column'].map(lambda x: mapper.get(x, x))
    >>>    Unique_ID_Column Some customer data  unique_id_backup
    0                1                  A                10
    1                2                  B                 2
    2                3                  C                30
    3                4                  D                 4
    4                5                  E                50