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404 Error Using Frankfurter API & Python Virtual Environment

I am making a currency converter script in Python in Visual Studio Code and I'm using the frankfurter API, it used to work fine about a few days ago until now where everytime I try to fetch the API I get the 404 error:

>     response = requests.get(f"{amount}&from={CF}&to={CT}")
>     print("API Response:", response.json())
>     print(response.status_code)


API Response: {'message': 'not found'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\OMEN\Visual Studio\RTCurrencyConverter\", line 59, in <module>
    print(f"{amount} {CF} is {response.json()['rates'][CT]} {CT}")
KeyError: 'rates'

Virtual environments for me have been very inconsistent in general and I kept trying to remove and recreate environments hoping that would fix something but to no avail.


  • I've tried the api and it works as expected also it does not seem like a problem with the requests from Python3. Below i show some of the cases which might be the problem.

    Below is a correct usage with a correct response.

    This one is not a correct usage. See the from param instead of USD i wrote UST got us 404 with the same response you got:
    404 {"message":"not found"}

    Or it might be if your CF or CT params are None like below example. I sent empty to param:
    404 {"message":"not found"}

    Log your params before sending the request and take a look like below code:

    request_url = f"{amount}&from={CF}&to={CT}"
    print(f"Trying the request \n {request_url}")
    response = requests.get(request_url)
    print("API Response:", response.json())