I want to do something like this:
public override int CompareTo (Foo rhs)
return Bar.CompareTo(rhs.Bar) ??
Baz.CompareTo(rhs.Baz) ??
Fuz.CompareTo(rhs.Fuz) ?? 0;
This doesn't work as written; is there some minimal workaround to make it work? Basically I want 0 to chain until non-zero (or end of chain).
Not supported by the language. But you can write a small helper like this:
public override int CompareTo (Foo rhs)
return FirstNonZeroValue(
() => Bar.CompareTo(rhs.Bar),
() => Baz.CompareTo(rhs.Baz),
() => Fuz.CompareTo(rhs.Fuz));
private int FirstNonZeroValue(params Func<int>[] comparisons)
return comparisons.Select(x => x()).FirstOrDefault(x => x != 0);