I have a condition I cannot explain when using Jansson in a C application. Here is an example of the code:
"nodes": {
"master": "",
"connected": [
"socket": 18,
"IP": ""
Code snippet
STATUS writeMasterNode(char *newMaster)
static char configFilename[] = "/path/to/file.json";
obj = json_load_file(configFilename, 0, &error);
// check to see if the string parsed fine
if (!obj)
printf("Error parsing system configuration on line %d, column %d:%s", error.line, error.column, error.text);
// read the object into a temporary json objects
node_obj = json_object_get(obj, "nodes");
if (!node_obj)
node_obj = json_pack("{{s:s},[{s:i},{s:s}]}", "master", NULL, "socket", NULL, "IP", NULL);
master_obj = json_object_get(node_obj, "master");
connected_obj = json_object_get(node_obj, "connected");
//************* Good code ***************
master_obj = json_string(newMaster);
json_object_set(node_obj, "master", master_obj);
//************* Bad Code ***************
//json_object_set(node_obj, "master", json_string(newMaster))
json_object_set(obj, "nodes", node_obj);
if (!obj)
printf("Error parsing system configuration on line %d, column %d:%s", error.line, error.column, error.text);
json_dump_file(obj, configFilename, JSON_INDENT(2));
If I use:
json_object_set(node_obj, "master", json_string(newMaster))
the app will update the file and seem fine until I recall this block of code, then it will crash upon second usage.
Changing the offending code line with:
master_obj = json_string(newMaster);
json_object_set(node_obj, "master", master_obj);
works fine and I can recall this function over and over without issue. Any ideas?
When you run the bad code:
master_obj = json_object_get(node_obj, "master");
json_object_set(node_obj, "master", json_string(newMaster))
The master_obj
is borrowed reference from node_obj
, and it is already freed, when json_decref(master_obj)
is called.
The good code:
master_obj = json_object_get(node_obj, "master");
master_obj = json_string(newMaster);
json_object_set(node_obj, "master", master_obj);
A new json_string object is created and pointer is stored to master_obj
The json_string object still exists when you call json_decref(master_obj)
, so it does not cause the issue.