I have a series of segments defined as an array of two tuplets (two vertices). Each segment can share a vertex with another segment and it is possible that a combination of segments will form one or more closed loops.
In order to find the closed loops my current approach would be to find which lines are connected (share a vertex) and group them before ordering each group clockwise.
Let's take the following example (written in Python)
lines = {
"A": [(0, 0), (0, 1)], # A,B -- B,C
"B": [(0, 1), (1, 1)], # | |
"C": [(1, 1), (1, 0)], # | |
"D": [(1, 0), (0, 0)], # A,D -- C,D
"E": [(4, 4), (4, 5)], # E,F - F,G
"F": [(4, 5), (5, 5)], # | /
"G": [(5, 5), (4, 4)], # E,G
answer = ["ABCD", "EFG"]
What would be the best way to group the entries (using the standard Python library) that share a vertex (tuplet value)? The order in which the lines are found in the dictionary is not guaranteed but ordered clockwise here to make it easier to read.
I have tried a simple cycle approach (graph theory) to this problem but the cycles returned included many more than I wanted using the vertices in the example above so I have revisited my approach to the problem which resulted in me asking this question.
Since you asked for a solution that only involves the standard library, here's one.
from collections import defaultdict
adjacency_list = defaultdict(list)
for key, (v1, v2) in lines.items():
adjacency_list[v1].append((v2, key))
adjacency_list[v2].append((v1, key))
print(adjacency_list) # {(0, 0): [((0, 1), 'A'), ((1, 0), 'D')], ...}
def depth_first_search(node, visited, adjacency_list, path):
"""Traverse the graph to find connected components"""
stack = [(node, None)]
while stack:
v, parent = stack.pop()
if v in visited:
for neighbor, line in adjacency_list[v]:
if neighbor not in visited:
stack.append((neighbor, v))
return path
visited = set()
filtered_list = filter(lambda node: node not in visited, adjacency_list)
components = map(lambda node: depth_first_search(node, visited, adjacency_list, []), filtered_list)
def find_loops(component, adjacency_list):
if not component:
return ""
# Find the loop by following the path
loop = []
visited_edges = set()
current_node = component[0]
while True:
for neighbor, line in adjacency_list[current_node]:
if current_node < neighbor:
edge = (current_node, neighbor)
edge = (neighbor, current_node)
if edge not in visited_edges:
current_node = neighbor
return "".join(sorted(loop))
answer = [find_loops(component, adjacency_list) for component in components]
print(answer) # ['ABCD', 'EFG']
If the code is not clear enough, I can explain it some more.