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Why is my operator ++ more than twice as fast as its equivalent instance method?

I'm running BenchmarkDotNet against the following code on .NET 8:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

public readonly struct Counter
    [FieldOffset(0)] public readonly int Value;
    [FieldOffset(1)] public readonly byte MidByte;

    public Counter(int value)
        : this()
        this.Value = value;

    public Counter Increment(int count) // 0 <= count <= 32
        int value = this.Value + count;
        int lowByte = (byte)value;
        if (lowByte > 32)
            value = value - 32 + (this.MidByte < 16 ? 0x100 : 0xF100);
        return new Counter(value);

    public static Counter operator ++(Counter counter) => counter.Increment(1);

public class Benchmarks
    public Counter Benchmark1()
        Counter c = new(0x10101);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
            c = c.Increment(1);
        return c;

    public Counter Benchmark2()
        Counter c = new(0x10101);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
        return c;

The only difference between Benchmark1 and Benchmark2 is that Benchmark2 calls operator ++ (which in turn calls Increment(1)), whereas Benchmark1 just calls Increment(1) directly.

Because the JIT compiler will likely inline operator ++, I expected these two benchmarks to perform the same. To my great surprise and bafflement, ++c absolutely demolishes c = c.Increment(1):

BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.8, Windows 10 (10.0.19045.4651/22H2/2022Update)
11th Gen Intel Core i7-11800H 2.30GHz, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.303
 [Host] : .NET 8.0.7 (8.0.724.31311), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
 DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.7 (8.0.724.31311), X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Method Mean Error StdDev Code Size
Benchmark1 18.376 us 0.1999 us 0.1870 us 68 B
Benchmark2 6.564 us 0.0436 us 0.0408 us 81 B

Why is ++c so much faster than c.Increment(1) when the former simply calls the latter?

UPDATE #1: A couple commenters questioned whether ++c simply discards the result instead of updating c. I verified that both Benchmark1 and Benchmark2 return the same Counter value (0x00140911), which proves that both benchmarks perform the same 10000 calculations.

UPDATE #2: If I replace the reference to this.MidByte in Counter.Increment with the equivalent expression (byte)(value >> 8), then the performance gap between Benchmark1 and Benchmark2 vanishes:

Method Mean Error StdDev
Benchmark1 4.662 us 0.0489 us 0.0433 us
Benchmark2 4.595 us 0.0399 us 0.0373 us


  • There is definitely a difference in the JITted code between .NET 6 and .NET 8. And I think it's due to

    1. Struct copy semantics with temp stack variables being optimized away better in .NET8. There is hint at this in this github comment from 2019:

    There are some correctness concerns related to exception semantics and self-modification that require staging some struct operations through temps. The copies (and temps) can sometimes be optimized away later after global (method-wide) analysis. The jit does not do this analysis yet, but hopefully will soon -- see the plans for first-class structs.

    and also this issue and the comments/linked issues.

    1. Having the struct's layout set as explicit with a method that uses the explicitly offset field (MidByte). This github issue from 2023 seems very relevant to our case. Especially the two comments:

    Explicit layouts, especially those with overlapping fields, have historically been pessimized in their codegen quality.

    In .NET 8 we made improvements in this area, so the codegen might already be improved for you. In particular the JIT is able to reason about structs with overlapping fields if you aren't mixing accesses within the same function.

    1. (My observation/speculation from sharplab x86 assembly code analysis for our case to follow presently). There is a difference in how the JITter inlines static (the operator overload) vs instance methods (Increment).

    First of all, since there is a lot of inlining going on, I've simplified the Increment method (still preserving the differences in emitted code) (full sharplab):

    public Counter Increment(int count)
        int value = this.Value + count;    
        value = value + this.MidByte;
        return new Counter(value);

    EDIT: The following only holds true for our very special case of having an explicit struct layout AND using the MidByte explitly laid out field in the method. If you experiment in the sharplab I linked you'd find that the JIT compiler produces identical code for Benchmark1 and Benchmark2 if we have default sequential layout (if you manage to find a corner case too there please comment)

    There is no difference between .NET 6 and .NET 8, for how Counter.Increment and Counter.op_Increment are jitted:

        L0000: push eax
        L0001: add edx, [ecx]
        L0003: movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+1]
        L0007: add eax, edx
        L0009: mov [esp], eax
        L000c: pop ecx
        L000d: ret
        L0000: push eax
        L0001: mov eax, [esp+8]
        L0005: movzx edx, byte ptr [esp+9]
        L000a: lea eax, [eax+edx+1]
        L000e: mov [esp], eax
        L0011: pop ecx
        L0012: ret 4

    Even at this point the call to Counter_Increment is inlined in the op_Increment method.

    The difference between the methods lies in the fact that the Counter.Increment is an instance method and relies on this being in [ecx] whereas the Counter.op_Increment(Counter) as a static method that has a reference to the the counter instance on the stack [esp+8]. Logic is the same otherwise as the instance method is really inlined in the static method.

    There definitely seems to be an optimization in Benchmark1 (that makes calls to Counter.Increment(Int32)) between .NET 6 and .NET 8 (stripping the prologue/epilogue/loop code):

    .NET 6 instance
    L0006 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0x10101 
    L000d xor eax, eax 
    L0010 mov edx, [ebp-4] // inlinining directly on this (see Counter.Increment we have [ecx] = [ebp-4])
    L0013 movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-3] 
    L0017 lea edx, [edx+ecx+1] 
    L001b mov [ebp-8], edx // struct copy back result semantics
    L001e mov edx, [ebp-8] //
    L0021 mov [ebp-4], edx // 
    .NET 8 instance
    L0004: mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0x10101
    L000b: xor eax, eax
    L0010: mov edx, [ebp-4] // inlining on this
    L0013: movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-3]
    L0017: lea edx, [edx+ecx+1]
    // struct copy semantics gone
    // we are in place
    L001b: mov [ebp-4], edx // still save the result in ebp-4

    As you can see the unnecessary struct copying ceremony is optimized away.

    Now to the case of Benchmark2:

    .NET 6 static
    L0006 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0x10101 
    L000d xor eax, eax 
    L000f mov edx, [ebp-4] 
    L0012 mov [ebp-8], edx  // simulating the static call with copy semantics
    L0015 mov edx, [ebp-8]  // Inside op_Increment
    L0018 movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-7] 
    L001c lea edx, [edx+ecx+1] 
    L0020 mov [ebp-0xc], edx // copy semantic "return"
    L0023 mov edx, [ebp-0xc] 
    L0026 mov [ebp-4], edx // assigning back to the local variable
    .NET 8
    L0006: mov eax, 0x10101
    L000b: xor edx, edx
    L0010: mov [ebp-8], eax // simulating the static call
    L0013: movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-7] // Inside op_Increment
    L0017: lea eax, [eax+ecx+1]
    // struct copy semantics gone

    All the temp variables unnecessary copying is gone.

    The interesting thing is that here we don't have the initial assignment to a local variable:

    L0006 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0x10101 

    instead we do:

    L0006: mov eax, 0x10101

    My speculation is that it's because we inline a static method which relies on mutation of a local variable and not this.

    In Benchmark1 this was optimized to be [ebp-4] which was already declared, so we reused it.

    In Benchmark2 we don't mutate this but we need to share a local variable from our method (Benchmark2) as a local variable for the static inlined method (Counter.op_Increment(Counter)). The static method also needs an argument. It normally got it from the stack, but here we are inlined, so the best thing is to receive it from a register eax. In the spirit of removing ceremony we omitted all the temp stack variables, so we can use only the register for holding counter.

    Looking at the assembly of Benchmark1 vs Benchmark2 shows why the latter is faster:

    L0004: mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0x10101
    L0010: mov edx, [ebp-4] // inlining on this
    L0013: movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-3]
    L0017: lea edx, [edx+ecx+1]
    L001b: mov [ebp-4], edx 
    L0006: mov eax, 0x10101
    L0010: mov [ebp-8], eax // simulating the static call
    L0013: movzx ecx, byte ptr [ebp-7] // Inside op_Increment
    L0017: lea eax, [eax+ecx+1]

    we have one more instruction in Benchmark1 because our "outer" variable is on the stack and not in a register.

    Needless to say, this observed behavior can and probably would change in future versions of .NET as there are more plans to optimize structs.