Search code examples

MongoDB Grouping and counting by composite field

Here's what my records look like:

I have obtained this by using collection.find().limit(1)

    "_id": {"$oid": "..."},
    "husband.firstName": "John",
    "husband.secondName": "Smith",
    "wife.firstName": "Alice",
    "wife.secondName": "Watson",
    "...": "...",

The husband and wife fields only contains firstName and secondName

I want to count how common each husband and wife name combos are.

I imagine the results in the form of something like:

    "husband.firstName": "John",
    "husband.secondName": "Smith",
    "wife.firstName": "Alice",
    "wife.secondName": "Watson",
    "count": "456",
    "husband.firstName": "Jack",
    "husband.secondName": "Smith",
    "wife.firstName": "Alice",
    "wife.secondName": "Watson",
    "count": "123",

I'm using Python and pymongo so I have tried the following:

pipeline = [
        "$group": {
            "_id": {
                "husband": "$husband",
                "wife": "$wife"
            "count": {"$sum": 1}
        "$sort": {"count": -1}

However this returns an empty result of:

    "_id": "{}",
    "count": 47553

I tried also grouping by the fields separately but the result was the same.


  • As pointed out in the comments by @cmgchess, the main difficulty for your case is the dot in your field name. You may want to refactor your schema to something like below:

        "husband": {
          "firstName": "John",
          "secondName": "Smith"
        "wife": {
          "firstName": "Alice",
          "secondName": "Watson"

    Nevertheless, for your current schema, you may workaround it through usage of $getField.

        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "husband": {
              "firstName": {
                "$getField": {
                  "field": "husband.firstName",
                  "input": "$$ROOT"
              "secondName": {
                "$getField": {
                  "field": "husband.secondName",
                  "input": "$$ROOT"
            "wife": {
              "firstName": {
                "$getField": {
                  "field": "wife.firstName",
                  "input": "$$ROOT"
              "secondName": {
                "$getField": {
                  "field": "wife.secondName",
                  "input": "$$ROOT"
          "count": {
            "$sum": 1
        "$sort": {
          "count": -1

    Mongo Playground