I'm trying to run locally in docker AWS Lambda implemented with Rust with a Kong Gateway.
Works as expected. Just replace the docker base image with an up to date one FROM amazon/aws-lambda-provided:latest
and used rust build for the x86_64, which is the default one.
When invoking Kong getting the next response(502):
"error": "could not JSON decode Lambda function response: statusCode validation failed",
"message": "Bad Gateway"
When tracing lambda I see:
2024-07-29 11:40:59 TRACE Lambda runtime invoke{requestId="2c4b0ff5-d53e-4d03-8149-579fe4ad7e0a"}: raw JSON event received from Lambda body="{\"request_uri_args\":{},\"request_uri\":\"/\",\"request_body\":\"\\r\\n\",\"request_headers\":{\"content-length\":\"2\",\"postman-token\":\"045224b8-59f7-432c-890b-0268c3230f57\",\"connection\":\"keep-alive\",\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate, br\",\"accept\":\"*/*\",\"user-agent\":\"PostmanRuntime/7.37.3\",\"host\":\"\",\"content-type\":\"application/json\"},\"request_method\":\"POST\"}" 2024-07-29 11:40:59 ERROR Lambda runtime invoke{requestId="2c4b0ff5-d53e-4d03-8149-579fe4ad7e0a"}: Request payload deserialization into LambdaEvent<T> failed. The handler will not be called. Log at TRACE level to see the payload. error=DeserializeError { inner: Error { path: Path { segments: [] }, original: Error("this function expects a JSON payload from Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Elastic Load Balancer, or AWS Lambda Function URLs, but the data doesn't match any of those services' events", line: 0, column: 0) } }
I see that the request structure and keys names are different from expected by lambda.
Shouldn't Kong transform it to acceptable?
Please help me to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Your lambda trace suggests that it expects a fixed-shape payload matching one of three event shapes it understands. Kong's default event is not one of them. According to the documentation, you can set a awsgateway_compatible
in the lambda plugin configuration - with this option Kong will try to match API Gateway payload shape.
boolean, default: false
An optional value that defines whether the plugin should wrap requests into the Amazon API gateway.