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Testing a db migration in rails 7

I've been trying to write a spec to test a rails migration, but any guides i find online, (e.g. use the deprecated:, migrations, current_version).migrate

what is the equivalent in rails 7?

and has anyone a super simple example of testing a migration in rails 7?

Update: I have a migration which renames a table and the related rails model, removes a column from that table, adds another column, and finally migrates existing entries in that table (new column is populated by looking up info using the column that gets dropped)

I mainly want to test that the existing data gets migrated properly


  • Here was the new setup for my specs after upgrading to Rails 7.1 which pushed ActiveRecord to 7.1:

      let(:migration_context) { }
      let(:previous_version) { XX_XXX_XXX_XXX_XXX }
      let(:current_version) { XX_XXX_XXX_XXX_XXX }

    Then when I went to run or revert:

      def run_migration
      def revert_migration

    According to the docs it seems like I should have been able to pass :up to .run on the context, but I just couldn't get that to trigger the up method in my migration. But the above did the trick. Hope this helps!