I'm using LightopenID and all works fine. But I want a pretty openID selector, and I was trying jQuery OpenID It's working, but I'm lost when it must call to LightopenID. I think is this line:
<form class="openid" method="post" action="/Login.xhtml?ReturnUrl=">
isn't it? Any idea, please?
Can I use another selector? Any code example, please? Thanks in advance!
It is the line you've mentioned. You have to set the form's action so that it points to a file that will handle your authentication. One such file is the example.php bundled with LightOpenID.
I took the following steps to test it:
( so that http://localhost/openid/example.php would point at the example)/openid/jQueryOpenIdPlugin
in '/openid/jQueryOpenIdPlugin/Login.xhtml'