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Get specific index for dictionary

I have this lambda function:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    response = client.describe_maintenance_windows(Filters=[
            'Key': 'Name',
            'Values': ['test']
    MWId = response["WindowIdentities"]

I got below response Response structure:

    "WindowId": "mw-0154acefa2151234",
    "Name": "test",
    "Enabled": true,
    "Duration": 4,
    "Cutoff": 0,
    "Schedule": "cron(0 0 11 ? * SUN#4 *)",
    "NextExecutionTime": "2024-08-25T11:00Z"

How do I get the value of WindowId so I can pass it to a variable? I tried below but I am getting "errorMessage": "'list' object is not callable"

mwidvalue = MWId("WindowId")


  • It's a list that contains a dictionary, so you would need to use:

    mwidvalue = MWId[0]["WindowId"]

    That will return the first element of the list (in your example, there is only one) and then the WindowId element of that dictionary.