I have created a custom-theme, and using it in my styles.scss like this:
.alternate-theme-green {
@include mat.button-color(m3-green-theme.$light-theme, $color-variant: primary);
this is working fine for mat-flat-button, but when applying same class on mat-raised-button its not working.
Please help.
Since you want to transform one button to another, you have to use CSS with variables to define the overrides for this specific type of button.
.alternate-theme-green {
@include mat.button-color($theme, $color-variant: primary);
.alternate-theme-green[mat-raised-button]:not(:disabled) {
color: var(--mdc-filled-button-label-text-color) !important;
background-color: var(--mdc-filled-button-container-color) !important;