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Using Azure Devops API (Python) to write comments on PR

Haven't been able to find a direct method for this anywhere. How can I add comments to a pull request via Azure Devops API in Python?


  • We have the sample API to create a new thread with a comment for a pull request.

    We can also call another API in this sample to add a new comment in an existing thread of a pull request.

    Here is my python script for your reference.

    import base64
    import json
    import requests
    # Define your Azure DevOps organization, project, repo, pull request id and personal access token
    organization = "YourADOOrgName"
    project = "TheProjectName"
    repository_name = "RepoName"
    pull_request_id = 108
    personal_access_token = 'xxxxxx'
    # Encode the personal access token in base64
    base64_pat = base64.b64encode(f':{personal_access_token}'.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Basic {base64_pat}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    # Define the URL for a new thread of the PR
    thread_url = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repository_name}/pullRequests/{pull_request_id}/threads?api-version=7.1-preview.1"
    thread_body = {
        "comments": [
                "parentCommentId": 0,
                "content": "Test comment 1 by Python in another thread",
                "commentType": 1
        "status": "active"
    # Make the API request to create a thread with comment
    thread_response =, headers=headers, json=thread_body).json()
    # Print the response of the new thread and the id
    print(json.dumps(thread_response, indent=4))
    thread_id = thread_response.get('id')
    print(f"The new thread id is {thread_id}")
    # Define the URL for a comment in an exsiting thread
    thread_comment_url = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repository_name}/pullRequests/{pull_request_id}/threads/{thread_id}/comments?api-version=7.1-preview.1"
    thread_comment_body = {
      "content": "Test comment 2 by Python in another thread",
      "parentCommentId": 1,
      "commentType": 1
    # Make the API request to create a comment in the exsiting thread
    thread_comment_response =, headers=headers, json=thread_comment_body).json()
    # Print the response of the new comment
    print(json.dumps(thread_comment_response, indent=4))


    Per the follow-up query to set the thread status, we can call this API to update the status value as one of those in the CommentThreadsStatus.

    # Generate URL to update thread status
    update_thread_url = f"{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repository_name}/pullRequests/{pull_request_id}/threads/{thread_id}?api-version=7.1-preview.1"
    update_thread_body = {
      "status": "fixed"
    # Make the API request to update thread status
    update_thread_response = requests.patch(update_thread_url, headers=headers, json=update_thread_body).json()
    # Print the response of the updated thread
    print(json.dumps(update_thread_response, indent=4))

    enter image description here