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Spring Boot - Mockito - Argument matchers for exact match - not working

I have a simple spring boot app with controller (example)

public class PersonController {
    PersonService personService;
    ResponseEntity<Void> createNewMessage(@RequestBody Person itemDto, UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder){
        final Person itemInfo = personService.createPerson(itemDto)
                .orElseThrow(()-> new DuplicateException("ALREADY_EXISTS"));
        //NOTE: assume there will be a get end point
        UriComponents uriComponents = uriComponentsBuilder.path("/person/find/{id}").buildAndExpand(itemInfo.getId());

        return ResponseEntity.created(uriComponents.toUri()).build();

Goal: To be able to "Unit" test DuplicateException in the endpoint using MockMvc - Mockito - "Arrange using when"


This test fails ( Note If "any" is used the test passes - any(Person.class) ) , but what is wrong?

void given_exact_person_save() throws Exception {
    var inPerson = new Person("First","Last");



Service - dummy implementation

public class PersonService {

    public Optional<Person> createPerson(Person itemDto) {
        return Optional.empty();

How to complete my test ?

may be have 2 Arrange statements

when(personService.createPerson( any(Person.class)) ).thenReturn(...);


  • Let's have a look at each piece of your code in detail:

    ResponseEntity<Void> createNewMessage(@RequestBody Person itemDto, UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder) {

    deserializes itemDto from your request's (JSON) payload.


    very explicitly serializes your inPerson instance to a JSON string (objectMapper.writeValueAsString(inPerson)). This JSON string is completely detached from any existing Java object instance.

    var inPerson = new Person("First","Last");

    matches a call to createPerson with an argument that is equal to inPerson. That means either:

    • If your Person class does not override the equals method: the argument must be the same reference as inPerson (i.e. argument == inPerson, both instances have the same identity hashcode). Note that it is still calling equals behind the scenes, but the default implementation of Object#equals is boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other; }.
    • Your Person class overrides equals: the argument must have value equality to inPerson (i.e. Objects.equals(argument, inPerson)).