Search code examples

Each array should contain unique element using Facet in MongoDB

Here I'm adding the Mongo playground URL how my schema structure look like

Now I want 3 unique array elements which are mostPurchased, latestRewards and suggestedRewards.

So I'm trying to achieve by using $facet

    $facet: {
      mostPurchased: [
          $sort: {
            buyerCount: -1
          $limit: 15
          $group: {
            _id: "$_id",
            doc: {
              $first: "$$ROOT"
          $replaceRoot: {
            newRoot: "$doc"
      latestRewards: [
          $sort: {
            created: -1
          $group: {
            _id: "$_id",
            doc: {
              $first: "$$ROOT"
          $replaceRoot: {
            newRoot: "$doc"
          $limit: 15
      suggestedRewards: [
          $match: {
            points: {
              $lt: 300
          $group: {
            _id: "$_id",
            doc: {
              $first: "$$ROOT"
          $replaceRoot: {
            newRoot: "$doc"
          $limit: 15
    $project: {
      mostPurchased: 1,
      latestRewards: 1,
      suggestedRewards: 1

But this one producing the duplicate element on each array.

Note: All the stage aggregations should be perform before the projection so that it each array would contain 15 elements. for reference I added 8 elements on mongo playground.

Let me know where I'm going wrong


  • There is not enough data in your sample dataset to illustrate top 15 for each groups, so this example uses top 2 to illustrate.

    The idea is to assign to each group only once. Here, we assume the priority would be:

    1. mostPurchased
    2. latestRewards
    3. suggestedRewards

    So if a document matched all groups, it would be assigned to mostPurchased group. If a document matched only group 2 and 3, it would be assigned to group 2. This behaviour is configurable and will be explained in later code.

    The aggregation pipeline would be like below:

    1. your previous $project and other stages
    2. $setWindowFields to compute mostPurchasedRank with $rank
    3. $setWindowFields to compute latestRewardsRank with $rank
    4. $set a field grouping with $switch. Here is the part where we configure the priority. Based on the calculated rankings in step 2 and 3, we assign documents into different groups.
    5. $setWindowFields to compute inGroupRanking with $rank. This helps to avoid we are having too many documents in a group(thus breaching MongoDB 16MB document size limit in later stage)
    6. $match to select inGroupRanking <= 2(i.e. document number per group, would be 15 in your original case) 7.(optional) $group by grouping to push all docs inside.
        "$project": {
          validity: "$validity",
          name: "$name.en",
          points: "$points",
          _id: "$_id",
          description: "$description.en",
          image: "$image",
          colorCode: "$colorCode",
          backgroundColorCode: {
            $ifNull: [
          categoryId: {
            _id: "$categoryId._id",
            name: "$"
          created: "$created",
          totalPoints: "$totalPoints",
          rewardType: "CUSTOM_REWARD",
          sponsorName: "$sponsorName",
          sponsorNameColor: {
            $ifNull: [
          sponsorImage: {
            $ifNull: [
          isLinkAvailable: "$isLinkAvailable",
          discountPercent: "$discountPercent",
          hasExternalLink: "$hasExternalLink",
          buyerCount: "$totalUsers",
          buyerTextColor: "#FFFFFF",
          buyerBackgroundColorCode: "#00FF00",
          validityColorCode: {
            $ifNull: [
          validityBackgroundColorCode: {
            $ifNull: [
          // isDealsOfTheDay: "$isDealsOfTheDay",
          // isFeatured: "$isFeatured",
          hasExternalLinkWithCode: "$hasExternalLinkWithCode",
          hasScanner: "$hasScanner",
          corporateId: "$corporateId"
        "$setWindowFields": {
          "partitionBy": null,
          "sortBy": {
            buyerCount: -1
          "output": {
            "mostPurchasedRank": {
              $rank: {}
        "$setWindowFields": {
          "partitionBy": null,
          "sortBy": {
            created: -1
          "output": {
            "latestRewardsRank": {
              $rank: {}
        "$set": {
          "grouping": {
            "$switch": {
              "branches": [
                  "case": {
                    $lte: [
                      2// your per group limit here
                  "then": "mostPurchased"
                  "case": {
                    $lte: [
                      2// your per group limit here
                  "then": "latestRewards"
                  "case": {
                    $lt: [
                  "then": "suggestedRewards"
              default: null
        "$setWindowFields": {
          "partitionBy": "$grouping",
          "sortBy": {
            "_id": 1
          "output": {
            "inGroupRanking": {
              $rank: {}
        "$match": {
          inGroupRanking: {
            $lte: 2// your per group limit here
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$grouping",
          "docs": {
            "$push": "$$ROOT"

    Mongo Playground