I've just started using Vim.
Here is a shell script which I use frequenty from within BBedit.
filename=$(basename "${BB_DOC_PATH##*/}" .ly)
cd "${directory}"
/Applications/Lilypond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/ lilypond -dno-point-and-click -ddelete-intermediate- files "$BB_DOC_PATH"
open "${lilypondPDFoutput}"
BB_DOC_PATH is a variable which represents the path of the currently open file. (e.g. /Users/me/Documents/file.ly
How would I go about placing this script in my .vimrc, and invoking it with simple command like :typeset
Note: I am typesetting a Lilypond file.
The OP asked how to place the script in the .vimrc. This gets just a little tricky because of the odd way Vim import files do line continuation. It would be something like this:
command Typeset call Typeset()
fun Typeset()
let $TYPESET_PATH = expand("%:p")
let $TYPESET_ROOT = expand("%:p:r")
let $TYPESET_DIR = expand("%:p:h")
!sh -icx '
\ cd "${TYPESET_DIR}"
\; lilypondPDFoutput="${TYPESET_ROOT}.pdf"
\; /Applications/Lilypond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/lilypond -dno-point-and-click "$TYPESET_PATH"
\; wait
\; open "${lilypondPDFoutput}"
Here's what is actually now working for me in quite a different environment (Lilypond/Win32; Vim for Cygwin).
" Quick compile command for Lilypond.
command Typeset call Typeset()
fun Typeset()
let $TS_NAME = expand("%:t")
let $TS_DIR = expand("%:p:h")
let $TS_PDF = expand("%:t:r") . ".pdf"
!sh -icx ' cd "${TS_DIR}" && lilypond "${TS_NAME}" && cygstart "${TS_PDF}" '
Notes: Lilypond/Win32 does not understand forward-slash paths. Therefore I eliminated the path in its argument. You could do the same. You have already set the path with "cd". Also for my environment I took out the point and click option, as well as the "wait", and changed "open" to "cygstart". At that point the shell part was short enough I did not need the rather arcane line continuation demanded by Vim. At the same time I added shortcut operators so that an error at any stage would stop the process.