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Form validation for required fields on Submit in Angular 17

I have many fields like firstName, lastName, etc which is made required from the backend. If I submit the form without filling up the firstName, it throws the following error in the Network Preview. If I fill up firstName and leave lastName empty, it will throw another error: lastName is required in the Network Preview:

    "status": "failed",
    "error": {
        "message": "Invalid request data. Please review the request and try again.",
        "code": [
                "message": "firstName is required",
                "code": "any.required"


<input type="text" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="registration.firstName">
<input type="text" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="registration.lastName">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" (click)="createRegistration(registration)">Submit</button>

I simply want to throw the error message as shown in the Network Preview when someone try to click Submit button somewhere on the page:

<p>firstName is required</p>


      next: (res: any) => {
        this.registration = || {} as StudentRegistration;
        this.opd.registration =;
      error: (err) => {

I have seen a lot of frontend-validation tutorials in Angular but that's just too much effort as I have to validate every field again in the frontend. I can't find any backend validation tutorial like in my case.

PS: Working frontend method I don't want to use as there are multiple forms with 100s of fields

<p *ngIf="registration.firstName == '' || registration.firstName == undefined">First name is compulsory</p>


  • In the error callback, you can extract the error message as below:

    errorMessages: string[] = [];
    error: (err) => {
      let errorResponse = err.error;
      this.errorMessages = any) => x.message);

    To display set of errorMessages:

    <div *ngFor="let errorMessage of errorMessages">
      {{ errorMessage }}

    If you are looking to display the error messages by section field, you should need the implementation to check and get the error message by field name:

    <div [ngClass]="{'show': hasError('firstName'), 'hide': !hasError('firstName')}">
      <span>FirstName error</span>
      <div *ngFor="let errorMessage of getErrorsByField('firstName')">
        {{ errorMessage }}
    hasError(fieldName: string) {
      return this.errorMessages.some((x) => x.indexOf(fieldName) > -1);
    getErrorsByField(fieldName: string) {
      return this.errorMessages.filter((x) => x.indexOf(fieldName) > -1);

    Demo @ StackBlitz