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How to restrict a contextual menu to a single collectionView

I have a view with three collection views on it. I want one of the collection views to have a contextual menu. How do I control that only one of them has the menu? In the code below, I have commented out the lines that I'm trying to use to restrict which collection view has the menu.

If I uncomment these lines and try to restricted the menu to just the list_CollectionView_Outlet, I get the error that it's missing a return. "Missing return in instance method expected to return 'UIContextMenuConfiguration?'

It's driving me bonkers what am I doing wrong?

extension Case_VC2: UICollectionViewDelegate
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, point: CGPoint) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration?
        //        if collectionView == list_CollectionView_Outlet
        //        {
        gID = theCurrentArray[indexPath.row].ID
        name = theCurrentArray[indexPath.row].Name
        let configuration = UIContextMenuConfiguration(identifier: nil, previewProvider: nil) { [weak self] _ in
            let edit = UIAction(title: K.Titles.edit, image: UIImage(named: "Edit2")) { _ in
                gHideBackBtn = false
                gTheDisabledCell = ""
            let remove = UIAction(title: K.Titles.remove, image: UIImage(systemName: K.Icons.trash)) { _ in
            return UIMenu(title: "", image: nil, children: [edit, remove])
        return configuration
        //    }


  • At the start, where those two commented-out lines are, check that you have the right collection view like this:

    guard collectionView == list_CollectionView_Outlet else {
        return nil