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Client Encoding in psycopg3 missing, yet gives error

So I see in psycopg 2, there is a set_client_encoding('UTF8') function. In the psycopg 3 documentation it reads:

client_encoding is gone

Here I create the connection:

conn = psycopg.connect(conninfo, row_factory = dict_row, autocommit = autocommit, client_encoding="UTF8")

But then when I go to actually use the connection:

cur.execute(query, params)

I get an encoding error.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u202f' in position 15: character maps to <undefined> encoding with

'cp1252' codec failed

Using the \l in postgres, all databases are shown as WIN1252. This is on Windows 10. The version of PostgreSQL 16.3. I am working with code which was developed on Linux and I am trying to get the same functionality working on Windows. I really would like to work in UTF-8.

How would I work around this in pyscopyg 3?


  • You should check what encoding is detected by psycopg, e.g.:

    import psycopg as pg
    conn = pg.connect('dbname=test user=my_user password=my_password')

    You can define the parameter in conninfo (dsn):

    conn = pg.connect('dbname=test user=my_user password=my_password client_encoding=utf8')

    or with the Postgres SET command:

    conn = pg.connect('dbname=test user=my_user password=my_password')
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute('set client_encoding to utf8')