I have this class
class A {
prop1: string
prop2: boolean
I want it to be:
In class-validator, there's is the @ValidateIf()
class A {
@ValidateIf((obj) => obj.prop2)
prop1: string
prop2: boolean
It's true that ValidateIf()
will make prop1 optional when prop2 is false
. But it will disable my checking for @MaxLength()
and for @IsString()
. Now you can pass a number! that's not what I want. I just want it to be optional.
I was thinking, Isn't there a way to say @IsRequiredIf()
or @IsOptionalIf()
instead of saying @ValidateIf()
The solution is straightforward. And I made this decorator by reading the source code of the @ValidateIf()
and the @IsOptional()
Here is the solution:
I created my own IsOptionalIf()
decorator. You can use the same concept to build your own IsRequiredIf()
You can use the @ValidateIf()
decorator to achieve that, but you have to create a new decorator around it. You can't use @ValidateIf() directly, because it disables all the validations which is not what you might want. You want to keep the validations but only make the property optional.
This is what this custom IsOptionalIf()
decorator allows you to do, It behaves exactly like the normal @IsOptional()
decorator but allows you to add a condition.
import { ValidateIf, type ValidationOptions } from 'class-validator'
/** Same as `@Optional()` decorator of class-validator, but adds a conditional layer on top of it */
export const IsOptionalIf: IsOptionalIf =
(condition, options = {}) =>
(target: object, propertyKey: string) => {
const { allowNull = true, allowUndefined = true, ...validationOptions } = options
ValidateIf((object: any, value: any): boolean => {
// if condition was true, just disable the validation on the null & undefined fields
const isOptional = Boolean(condition(object, value))
const isNull = object[propertyKey] === null
const isUndefined = object[propertyKey] === undefined
let isDefined = !(isNull || isUndefined)
if (!allowNull && allowUndefined) isDefined = !isUndefined
if (!allowUndefined && allowNull) isDefined = !isNull
const isRequired = isOptional && !isDefined ? false : true
return isRequired
}, validationOptions)(target, propertyKey)
export interface OptionalIfOptions {
allowNull?: boolean
allowUndefined?: boolean
export type IsOptionalIf = <
T extends Record<string, any> = any, // class instance
Y extends keyof T = any, // propertyName
condition: (object: T, value: T[Y]) => boolean | void,
validationOptions?: ValidationOptions & OptionalIfOptions
) => PropertyDecorator
Here is how you can use it:
class A {
@IsOptionalIf((obj) => obj.prop2)
prop1: string
prop2: boolean
You can consider null
as a real value instead of treating it as not filled by adding the options object as below:
// same as above
@IsOptionalIf((obj) => obj.prop2, { allowNull: false })
prop1: string
import { type ValidationMetadataArgs } from 'class-validator/types/metadata/ValidationMetadataArgs'
import { type ValidationOptions, ValidationTypes, getMetadataStorage } from 'class-validator'
import { ValidationMetadata } from 'class-validator/cjs/metadata/ValidationMetadata'
export const IS_OPTIONAL_IF = 'isOptionalIf'
export function IsOptionalIf(
condition: (object: any, value: any) => boolean,
validationOptions?: ValidationOptions
): PropertyDecorator {
return function (object: object, propertyName: string): void {
const args: ValidationMetadataArgs = {
target: object.constructor,
propertyName: propertyName,
constraints: [
(object: any, value: any): boolean => {
const performValidation = condition(object, value)
if (!performValidation) return true
else return object[propertyName] !== null && object[propertyName] !== undefined
validationOptions: validationOptions,
getMetadataStorage().addValidationMetadata(new ValidationMetadata(args))
Regarding the ValidationMetadata
import, I am using commonjs, so if you're using esm5 (es5) or es2015 (es6+) just replace cjs in the import to yours.
import { ValidationMetadata } from 'class-validator/cjs/metadata/ValidationMetadata'
import { ValidationMetadata } from 'class-validator/esm5/metadata/ValidationMetadata'
import { ValidationMetadata } from 'class-validator/esm2015/metadata/ValidationMetadata'
The reason for this entire method is we want to use the ValidationTypes.CONDITIONAL_VALIDATION
type of validation, there are some others, but class-validator gives you only the ValidationTypes.CUSTOM_VALIDATION
when you create a custom validator using the registerDecorator()
function. It assumes that by default. And that can not be changed. (as of the current version 2024).