I am working on a teams notifications automation for my pipeline. I would like to output details of this pipeline to my teams channel when build completes successfully. Every needed output from AzureDevOps connector works fine (BuildId, Url, SourceBranch,...), except "parameters"
After this flows get triggered I get a message to my teams chat like this one
Right now I am using a basic pipeline that echoes parameter "line"
Here is the run of the pipeline
I am expecting to see parameters of the pipeline in my teams chat. (Am I misunderstanding this output called "Parameters"?)
If you check the run history
of the Power Automate workflow, you will find it doesn't
contain the pipeline parameter for When a build completes
. Hence, you cannot
get the parameter in next Post message in a chat or channel
After When a build completes
, you can add a HTTP
action, to get the devops build result, the url like https://dev.azure.com/{org}/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{buidid}?api-version=6.0
. You can get {buildid}
from previous When a build completes
action. It contains the templatesparameters line
in the response. Then you can use it in action Post message in a chat or channel