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Jandex indexes not built for dependent module in Quarkus Multi-Module setup with Maven in IntelliJ

I use the following versions:

  • Intellik: 2024.1.4
  • maven: built-in (3.9.6)
  • org.jboss.jandex: 1.2.3
  • Quarkus: 3.12.3

I have the following project structure:

|- libraries
   |- pom.xml
   |- library A
      | - pom.xml
|- services
   |- pom.xml
   |- service B
      |- pom.xml

library A has a service class which is referenced in service B, thus service B needs a jandex index in library A. This configuration is already working: I can start the service properly with quarkus:dev as well as in docker images. Tests triggered via mvn (locally as well in the CI) are working as well (via mvn clean verify -pl services/service-b -am)

The jandex configuration:


Anyhow, when starting from a clean project and trying to start the integration tests in service-b out of IntelliJ, it cannot start any test annotated with @QuarkusTest. I also see that the jandex.idx in library A is not generated.
As soon as I triggered any action that executed the phase compile for library A at least once, it's working fine: the jandex.idx file is present.

I tried changing the phase of the jandex plugin as well as adding -am to maven.config, but neither approach made IntelliJ build the jandex file during test. Delegating the build to maven opened another can of worms (maven CI friendly versions with maven-git-versioning-extension).


  • Found the following approach which was ok'ish in the end (was automated + didn't add too much time to a test run):

    1. delete all JUnit run configurations
    2. add a Template run configuration which adds a BeforeRunTask. This run task has to be a maven task with the goal jandex.jandex .
    3. Store the template as run configuration.

    A ready-to-use example: Copy the following file to .run/Template

    <component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
      <configuration default="true" type="JUnit" factoryName="JUnit">
        <option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="" />
        <option name="METHOD_NAME" value="" />
        <option name="TEST_OBJECT" value="class" />
        <method v="2">
          <option name="Make" enabled="true" />
          <option name="Maven.BeforeRunTask" enabled="true" file="$PROJECT_DIR$/pom.xml" goal="jandex:jandex" />

    This works also on a partial build/clean project as jandex is only executed for already-built classes.