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The Android emulator exited with code -1073740791 during startup

I'm trying to run my Flutter project in VS Code but as the title suggested the emulator won't run when I started to debug.

Starting device daemon...
[ERR] The Android emulator exited with code -1073740791 after startup
[ERR] Android emulator stderr:
[ERR] INFO    | Ignore IPv6 address: 3000:9384:2601:0:e0:9284:2601:0 (2x)
[ERR] WARNING | Failed to process .ini file C:\Users\muhde\.android\avd\..\avd\Pixel_4_XL_API_34.avd\quickbootChoice.ini for reading.
[ERR] added library vulkan-1.dll
[ERR] ERROR:             vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties: Invalid physicalDevice [VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties-physicalDevice-parameter]
[ERR] Address these issues and try again.

Below I also included SDK tools and platforms that I installed in Android Studio. SDK Tools SDK Platforms

I have enabled SVM in the BIOS since I'm using a AMD machines. I also tried to reinstall Flutter SDK, VS Code and Android Studio multiple times. My graphics driver is also updated to the latest version. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • If you are using AMD cpu, you need to update the AMD driver.