I have a variable (type: list of string) for external subnets. For e.g., external_subnets = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2", "subnet-3"]
. The list and count could vary based on the environment. I would like to create source_access_configuration
for lambda event source mapping for kafka for these subnets.
I tried the below and it gives me Unexpected attribute: An attribute named "for_each" is not expected here
. Any suggestions?
source_access_configuration {
for_each = var.external_subnets
type = "VPC_SUBNET"
uri = "subnet:${each.value}"
It appears from your question that you are attempting to implement a dynamic block. In your situation this could be performed like:
dynamic "source_access_configuration" {
for_each = var.external_subnets
content {
type = "VPC_SUBNET"
uri = "subnet:${source_access_configuration.value}"