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Quarkus Artemis Jms library does not deliver message to dead-letter-queue on ActiveMQ Artemis

I am currently implementing inside a Quarkus project a JMS consumer which listens to a anycast queue ("") on ActiveMQ Artemis (version 2.32.0). What I want to test is how the message is delivered to dead-letter queue if let's say some business error happens. I simulated the business error for every fifth message (just throw exception).

From the looks at the code from ActiveMQ Artemis examples (dead-letter example) the code for dead-letter seems straight forward. I have implemented the functionality in the same way as it is in the example (as I thought), except that I have done it with "quarkus-artemis-jms" library. The problem with the code or maybe my broker setup is that I do not get message inside dead letter queue when I do Session.rollback(). The code of my JmsMessageConsumer looks following if someone can from the first look guess what I am doing wrong. I have also set the max-delivery-attempts inside broker.xml to 0 for my queue (I have added link to my project where every file is in there).

public class JmsMessageConsumer {

   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JmsMessageConsumer.class.getName());

   ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

   private JMSContext context;
   private Connection connection;
   private Session session;
   private MessageConsumer consumer;
   private MessageProducer dlqProducer;

   @ConfigProperty(name = "", defaultValue = "")
   String queueName;

   private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

   void onStart(@Observes StartupEvent ev) throws JMSException {
      connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
      session = connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);

      Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
      consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);

      Queue dlq = session.createQueue(queueName + ".dlq");
      dlqProducer = session.createProducer(dlq);



   void onStop(@Observes ShutdownEvent ev) throws JMSException {

   private void receiveMessages() {
      try {
         consumer.setMessageListener(message -> {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
               log.severe("Error processing message: %s".formatted(e.getMessage()));
               try {
                  // sendToDLQ(message);
               } catch (JMSException ex) {
                  throw new RuntimeException(ex);
      } catch (JMSException e) {
         log.severe("Error setting message listener: %s".formatted(e.getMessage()));

   private void processMessage(String text) {
      if (counter.get() % 5 == 0) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Error in business logic");
      }"Processed message: " + text);


The whole project (which is really simple) with all the configuration files can be found here. My broker.xml can be found inside src/resources/broker_conf/broker.xml.


  • The messages are not sent to the dead letter address because max-delivery-attempts is 0. You must set max-delivery-attempts to a positive value to send the undelivered messages to the dead letter address, see QueueImpl.

    To send the messages to the dead letter address after the first rollback set max-delivery-attempts to 1, i.e.

    <address-setting match="#">